Saturday, August 31, 2013

Photo Analysis

Caption: President Obama and National Incident Commander US Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen working hard to assist America in recovering from this Oil Spill Crisis. 

Photo Analysis:
Observations: This photograph depicts president Obama during the aftermath of the oil spill incident. His hands are slightly raised in front of him and his head is also somewhat turned. His facial expression shows one of concern and thinking. His attire is a light pinstriped shirt, in which the sleeves are rolled up. 

Directly to the president’s left is the National Incident Commander US Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen. In his coast guard uniform, he has his hands folded in front of him, and his head turned slightly toward Obama. His eyes are not on the president though instead, they appear to be looking off into the distance.

The background displays many scenes. The American Flag is on the left, directly beside four pictures that explain the oil spill in more depth. Picture one, closest to the flag, shows many men hard at work, unaware that a picture is being taken. The picture to the right of that displays a map of the oil spill, directly beside a close up version of two men in hard hats, working on what appears to be the scene of the crisis. The majority of the background is engulfed by the map that is titled “Deepwater Horizon Response.” This map outlines the states that border the location of the oil spill. The states are somewhat blurry, whereas the Gulf is very evident.

Possibility: This photograph is spontaneous. President Obama and Thad Allen are deep in the briefing, explaining what is to come from this disaster. The photograph is trying to convey the message that the president is taking action and will take care of this matter. The White House had been accused of responding too slowly, and this picture depicts the president easing the citizen’s minds. Deep in his explanation, his hands are up trying to explain the steps for this disaster. His face shows one of concern but also of thought. He seems to be choosing his words wisely. His outfit displays a down to earth man who will take care of this issue. He is not in an intimidating suit and tie, but a laid back pinstriped shirt.

The Coast Guard Admiral also appears to be deep in thought. It is evident he is listening to the president, but his far-off gaze displays that he wants to add more to this discussion. His folded hands and downward face displays that he is very concerned and deeply hurt from the disaster.

The background displays once again that the White House is taking action. The American flag is there, as a reminder at how far the United States has come. Next, we have the map of the oil spills taking up the majority of the background. This is displayed in order to show the true damage that has occurred. Not only does this picture recreate the tragedy, but it also shows men hard at work to take care of the mess.  A blurred view of many workers in hard hats to the left, and a close-up of two workers on the right displays that this tragedy will be taken care of and that everything is under control.

This was a very important photograph for President Obama. It depicts several different things that will put American’s minds at ease. The picture shows Obama working closely with the coast guard and displays how aware he is of the problem and how concerned he is that it gets taken care of.

Questions: How does the president plan to take care of this issue? What are the workers doing exactly in the photographs? The Coast Guard Admiral looks very upset in this scene, what is being said? Does he disagree?

Note: The above photograph gives me more confidence in President Obama’s leadership because it is a spontaneous photograph of him taking charge.

Photograph 2:
Caption: President Obama displaying that it is time to get down to business and take care of this Oil Spill.

Photo Analysis Lesson Plan

Description: This lesson, created for junior high-high school students, involves the class looking deeper into iconic photos, such as one of John F. Kennedy.

The lesson starts by viewing many different photos and asking the class many questions about what they see. Next, the teacher goes on to explain the elements of great news photographs. After many discussions and examples, throughout 2-3 class periods, the students become photo journalists. The students, individually or in pairs, will go out and take many pictures. They are to bring them into class, and their peers will critique them by utilizing the Critique Lenses Handout Questions. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Katie, your analysis is much different than mine. I felt that the Coast Guard Admiral appeared negative, or uninterested in what Obama was saying. Also, that he had a negative look upon his face. I agree with you that it looks as if Obama is in deep thought and that he is trying to make things right; however, I never would have guessed that he was making the people feel more at ease. I guess this just shows my lack of knowledge about the subject. Your analysis made me think differently about his point of view, as well as, the Admiral's point of view. I now see that he was letting everyone know that it was time to take a stance about the oil spill. I enjoyed your analysis!

  3. As with one of our classmates, you addressed the posture of the gentleman beside Obama. I told her that I did not think about his appearance at first, but as with your comments I see that he can influence someone’s interpretation of the photograph. I agree with you when you say that this picture seems to show more power and leadership from Obama.

  4. Our analyses were different because I thought the picture was staged because it was a press conference and Obama knew there would be press taking pictures. But from your post, and posts of other classmates, I can see how it could be spontaneous as well. He wasn't looking at the camera, he was speaking, and he wasn't posing for the picture. I also thought the general looked upset, not deep in thought. But now I could see how it could go either way.

  5. I agree with you about this photo being less staged and in my post I also stated I felt this was spontaneous. However, I am not sure that I completely agree about the Admiral, I think he looks more serious and determined than more of looking past the president. Although I didn't say it in my analysis this look of determination by him and him being next to the president also concreted my opinion that the president was on top of this disaster. Very thought provoking analysis I enjoyed how in depth you covered this one photo, but wished you would have commented some on the other photo as I really enjoyed your thoughts.

  6. I agreed with many of the points you made. Both pictures could be used make different points in an article based on the captions.
