Saturday, September 7, 2013

Magazine Cover Deconstruction

Media Language
A well-known celebrity is on the cover to grab attention. A young beautiful lady is displayed in a frame, which will stand out to men. Bold blue, red, and black colors, which display this is a man’s magazine. “Arnold, the next governor of California, really,” stands out in bold which will appeal to all of those who are for or against Arnold’s position.

Front cover of a magazine

Men’s Magazine (health, fitness, politics, music, many general topics)

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a well-known and very fit celebrity who can represent fitness for men. He can also represent business and politics, or can he? The magazine cover represents the discussion as to whether or not Arnold is the man for the job. It also represents many other interests for men, such as music and women.

The audience for this magazine would be adult men, ranging from ages 21-65. It may capture men who are interested in fitness, but also definitely men who are interested in politics. The younger men will be captivated by the women displayed in the magazine. On a rarer occasion (because the text for these articles is smaller), this magazine may capture men who really enjoy music or reading.

Ideologies and Values
The ideologies that this magazine can raise are that Arnold Schwarzenegger may or may not be fit for the job of Governor of California. Also, readers may come to believe that science has been currently making doubtful discoveries.

The front cover of this magazine displays a very hard-working man who has made it far in life. In a way, it makes this goal seem more possible to common people. What is not being said is why should or shouldn’t Arnold be the governor of California? What are the downfalls and the good aspects? Also, what does Phil Spector say about John Lennon? What are these doubtful science achievements? And, what is this new fiction that Arthur Miller has written? It seems that these answers may be found inside the magazine.

The Text
The text of this magazine cover displays a picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger in a suit and tie pointing to the audience. He has quite a grin on his face and the caption reads, “Arnold, the next governor of California. Really.” There is also a smaller image of a seductive woman to the right that is labeled, “A salute to our British allies.” Below that there is another description of this magazine issue that reads, “New fiction by Arthur Miller,” and “The dubious achievements of science.” At the top there is an “Exclusive” sections that states, “Phil Spector Speaks, the reclusive legend on the birth of rock n’ roll, John Lennon, and the dead body in the foyer.” One last bit of text can be found under that which displays, “American Music 2003, what’s good, what blows, and what to buy.”

The Subtext
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a celebrity who will seem appealing to a wide audience. He is a laid back guy, even in his suit and tie. Can he really do this job? Also, Phil Spector speaks about every mystery that fans ever wanted to learn more about. Men will also be happy to see that there are going to be many promiscuous looking pictures inside the magazine of young British girls. If that isn’t enough, the readers will also be able to find out all about new fiction by Arthur Miller, whether or not there music preferences are on target, and learn more about uncertain achievements in science.

Tools of Persuasion                          
Beautiful people, Association, Celebrities, Experts (plain folks), Humor, Charisma, New

 Media Literacy Project. (n.d.). Introduction to media literacy. Retrieved from       

1 comment:

  1. Katie Barker
    How does your interpretation differ from your peers? How did their interpretation make see the magazine cover differently? What do you think is the reason for your different interpretations?
    Katie chose the other image of Arnold Schwarzenegger. This is different in the fact that I do not see him out of his action packed films. My interpretation, or view, of Arnold is a big man who, as he always says, “will be back.”
    I like her interpretation of this cover because it opens the doors to view the same man differently. Sometimes we get on a one way thinking of someone and it is difficult to see them as something else. Part of Arnold’s personality now consists of being governor of California. The magazine cover itself puts the question in as to whether or not he would be a good governor. Katie points out that in her break down.
    I think the reason for our different interpretations can be based on different reasons. We both might not have the same knowledge or background when it comes to knowing Arnold Schwarzenegger. I wanted to choose the image that was more familiar to me. I am not sure what Katie had in her thought processes.
