Sunday, September 22, 2013

Media Messages and Critical Pedagogy #1

Do you agree with the deconstruction? Why? Why not? Be specific.

I do agree with these deconstructions, although I think the Alltel one was somewhat harsh. Both deconstructions are right in stating who the ads are appealing to. The key here is “plain folk.” Both ads display normal everyday families or events. Middle-class life is represented well in both ads. With the Century Link commercial, I agree with the deconstruction of the use of the slinky. The ad shows how we are all connected no matter what we do. In the Alltel commercial, we see the middle class family struggling to pay an expensive bill. I feel that this ad was a little harsh with its’ explanation of Americans view of a different race.

Do you agree with the claims made in the deconstructions? Is the Century Link ad really a cover for a company that is making profits over customer satisfaction? Does the Alltel ad really promote racism or stereotypes of immigrants? Why or Why not?

For the Alltel ad, I do believe it is promoting racism and stereotypes of immigrants. It is evident that the middle class American family is viewed as “normal.” Walking into a room and seeing Latinos dancing is viewed as “humor” and “not right.” Sadly, after reading this deconstruction I agree that Alltel promotes racism.  

For the Century Link ad, I do agree that it is really a cover for making profits over customer satisfaction. The ad promotes normal middle-class and how we are all connected. It has that “warm and fuzzy” feeling that would capture viewers. However, I think it is just that, something to capture viewers and make profit.

How do these deconstructions disrupt taken-for-granted realities?

As stated before, the ads appeal to middle class families. They promote a comforting feeling for the viewers. The deconstructions rip apart these thoughts. It shows us that in reality, these “wonderful” “heart tugging” commercials we see all have hidden messages. These ads are simply that, advertising. Why do companies create advertisement? Profit! 

What ideologies, cultures, economies, institutions or political systems are these deconstructions disrupting or interrogating?

These deconstructions both disrupt certain beliefs and cultures. For the Alltel ad, it is very evident that it disrupts and looks down upon Latinos. It views that race as “not average.” In the Century Link deconstruction, the idea that technology is equally accessible in any state is shut down.

How are these deconstructions examples of individuals investigating manifestations of power relations?

The people in these deconstructions are definitely investigating and breaking down indicators of power relations. These companies may be able to manipulate us through advertisement, but people are now learning how to become media literate. Individuals can now read into these power ads and interpret the true meanings.

How might conducting these kinds of deconstruction empower students whom have been historically and continue to be disenfranchised by  "traditional schooling?”

 Performing deconstructions will allow students to see that they can have an opinion and they can explain what they see and think. Students will feel like they have more power and play a vital role in the classroom. They will feel like racism and discrimination are actually topics that can and should be discussed.

How might deconstructing these kinds of media messages help students recognize connections between their individual problems and experiences and the social contexts in which they are embedded?

Students will hopefully get a lot from deconstructing ads like this. They will be able to see that maybe their individual problems or experiences were enhanced by the media. Students will be able to see that stereotypes are not just simply created, they are enhanced and advertised through commercials, magazines, and many other artifacts.

How might conducting these kinds of deconstructions disrupt traditional banking systems of education?

Advertisement deconstructions create a big blow to the traditional banking systems of education. There, we are taught to pay attention to advertisement and to find the best deal. When deconstructing an ad, we are taught that there is always more than meets the eye. Students now have their own voice and can form and state their own opinions. Instead of just going out and buying a magazine because of the cover, students may now look more into what is really being discussed.


Bazant, M. (n.d.). Qwest is becoming centurylink. Retrieved from       

Bazant, M. (n.d.). What affordability means to alltel. Retrieved from       

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